About us

Our team is here for you, We always take time to educate our patients and to provide the best care possible for our patients.

Dexter N. McDonald, RPT
Owner/Physical Therapist

Dexter McDonald received his degree in Physical Therapy from Florida A&M University. After working 4 years in hospitals, Mr. McDonald has spent the past 23 years working in Nursing Homes, ALF's and ACLF's. Mr. McDonald continues to grow his expertise through Continuing Education Courses allowing him to stay well informed with the latest technology and therapy techniques. Much of this training is catered to Stroke Rehab, Fall Prevention, Wheelchair Assessment, Positioning, Wound Care and Management, etc. His past experiences, care, and dedication keep Bridge Rehab, Inc. on the cutting edge, providing high quality care to our clients.

Bridge Rehab, Inc. was founded on the principal of providing the best and broadest care available to patients admitted to nursinghomes and adult living facilities (ALF). Our concept of providing fully integrated treatments of Physical, Occupational and Speech-LanguageTherapy has been key to maximizing the quality of life for many of our patients.

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