The McKenzie Method


The McKenzie Method

Fast, Gentle pain relief

Does pain in Neck or Back Limit your Activity, and Affect your Quality of Life. Decreasing back and neck pain, by using the McKenzie Method. We are experiencing incredible results by using the McKenzie Assessment. Treatment and Prevention Strategies which will allow you to return to an Active Life Style.

The McKenzie Method was developed in 1960's by

, A physical therapist in New Zealand in his practice he noted that extending the spine could provide significant pain relief to certain patients and allow them to return to their normal daily activities.

With the McKenzie approach, physical therapy and exercise used to extend the spine can help, 'Centralize' the patient pain by moving it away from the extremities (leg or arm) to the back. Back pain is usually better tolerated than leg pain or arm pain. The theory is by centralizing the pain allows the source of the pain to be treated rather than the symptoms.

The McKenzie Method for neck and back problems.

  • Reduce pain quickly
  • return to normal functioning in daily activities.
  • Minimize the risk of recurring pain (avoid painful posture)
  • Minimize the number of return visits to the spine specialist.

Schedule your appointment today.

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