Our services

Manual Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists provide a specific type of hands-on-care known as orthopedic manual physical therapy. Manual Physical Therapy is defined as a clinical approach utilizing skilled passive hands-on techniques, including but not limited to mobilization/manipulation.

These techniques are performed by highly trained physical therapists that have completed post graduate training to first diagnose then treat soft tissue and joint structures.

What is the benefit of utilizing Manual Physical Therapy?

Increasing range of motion
Improving joint mobility
Improving flexibility
Increasing stability
Decreasing inflammation
Decreasing pain

Chronic Pain, Neck& Back Management 

Back and neck pain is one of the most common causes of pain among Adults. The majority of Acute episodes of back/neck pain will resolve quickly and without persistent disability. Back/Neck pain can recurr frequently and become persistent.  Bridge Rehab's spine physical therapy service includes a comprehensive evaluation, assessment of functional ability, and individualized imitative treatment session, electrical stimulation, myofascial release, electrical point stimulation, neuromuscular massage, and gentle mobilization. These treatments have proven to be very
successful in aiding 85% of our patients to experience decreased pain or no pain, with an increase in functional mobility, and have been able to return to their functional daily living activities and/or work duties, improving their quality of life.

Who is a spine injury & back pain rehabilitation for?
Individuals with:
Acute or chronic back or neck pain
Degenerative disc disease
Herniated disc (Ruptured disc)
Spinal stenosis
Post-surgical pain
Sacral dxs funtions 
Spondy lolistheis

What does spine injury & back pain rehabilitation involve?
Core stabilization exercises
Correction of body mechanics
Flexibility exercises traction
Development of a home exercise program
Joint mobilization/manipulation stimulation
Postural corrections
Soft tissue mobilization/stretch
Micro current electrical stimulation
Myofascial release electrical point

Who is chronic pain rehabilitation for?
This type of pain in unresponsive to conventional treatments. Living with chronic pain requires a change in mindset. That chronic pain doesn't evolve into a disability affecting these issues with a multidisciplinary team skilled in managing chronic pain.
Common diagnoses/conditions include:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Complex regional pain syndrome
Nerve damage
Multiple Sclerosis

What does chronic pain rehabilitation program include?
We create an individualized plan for each person. However, general components of the program include the following: daily group physical therapy, exercise claseses and individual sessions as appropriate. Treatment directed by pain management physicians, nurses and therapists:
Biofeedback training
Vocational rehabilitation
Nutritional instructions
Relaxing training Massage therapy Microcurrent Iontopheheresis Phonopheresis Patient Education

How long does the chronic pain rehabilitation program take?
If you are referred to this specialized service, prepare yourself for a unique three to four week course of therapy designed to help those patients whose lives have been seriously harmed.  We have been able to sucess, decrease pain and help 85% of our chronic pain patients return to many of their prior activities functionally, improving their quality of life.

Neurological Rehabilitation Services
Cognitive Rehabilitation- using organization strategies structuring, environment, memory books and brain fitness, computer training programs.

Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation- patient centered care for patients co-ordinated among occupational therapy and physical therapy.

Stroke & Neurological Rehailitation- helping individuals with neurological deficits progress toward a more independent lifestyle. We have been able to sucess progress 90% of our stroke rehab patients from being wheelchair bound to become functional ambulatures.

Neuro rehabilitation services at Bridge Rehab focus on symptomatic treatments and rehabilitation interventions to decrease spasticity and optimize functions in adults with conditions of the Central Nervous System, including multiple sclerosis, stroke, cerebral palsy, motor neuron disease, brain injury and spinal cord injury. Our multi-disciplinary team include physical therapists and occupational therapists.
Balance (Vestibular) Rehabilitation

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation? Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercised- based program by a specialized physical therapist to improve balance and reduce dizziness- related problems.

Who benefits from vestibular rehabilitation?
Patients who are typically referred for vestibular rehabilitation therapy are those diagnosed with dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, Meniere's Syndrome, benign paroxysmal position vertigo (BPPV), neck related dizziness and migraines. Other candidates are patients who have had a stoke or brain injury or who frequently fall.

Common symptoms that can be helped with vestibular include:
Dizziness or blurry vision with head movements
Neck tightness, stiffness, and/or pain
Imbalance or the need to hold onto objects when walking
Frequent falls
Generalized dizziness wooziness and foggy head feelings

What types of recovery/outcomes can I expect from vestibular rehabilitation?

Expected vestibular rehabilitation outcomes include:
Decresed fall risk
Decreased dizziness symptoms
Improved balance
Improved ability to stabilize vision gaze
Increased body strength
Return to prior level of movement/function
Increase in confidence in ability to maintain balance
How successful is vestibular rehabilitation?
Vestibular stimulation decreases balance and dizziness problems significantly or completely disappear.
Pain Management

At Bridge Rehab pain management in Manatee County strives to be your top choice, providing pain treatment:
Back pain, neck pain, chronic pain, muscular-skeletal pain, fibromyalgia (FS), migraine headaches, arithris knee, neck/shoulder pain, joint pain. 

Our mission: To understand pain and share the knowledge helping patients return to a better quality of life.
We are able to provide the best pain management treatment through various treatments:
Manual therapy
Gentle mobilization
Electrical point stimulation
Massage therapy
Micro current therapy

Sports Rehabilitation 

Bridge Rehab Inc, we believe an "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". We focus on injury prevention to assist our patients in achieving their sport specific goals by assessing for possible mechanical breakdowns from overuse or improper form. We pride ourselves in designing a sport specific rehabilitation program that will address your individual areas of strengths and weaknesses so you have a personalized program that will get you back in the game. We work with your training team and physician to allow you maximal amount of participation with your injury so you are not sidelined for too long.

We have worked with various sporting injuries: shoulder injuries (rotator cuff), elbow (tennis elbow), hip injuries, knee injuries (medial-lateral ligament sprain or tear, anterior or posterior cruciate ligament sprain or tear, patella tracking disorders), ankle and foot injuries. We have had the opportunity to work with several of the local little leagues and high schools. We were chosen by the semi-professional basketball team as the therapy practice to rehab their injured players. We have worked with many professional football and/or basketball players, such as Bo Jackson (Auburn University), Clifford Rozier (Golden State Warriors), Alvoid Mayes (Washington Redskins), and many others. You can trust Bridge Rehab staff to help you return to your optimal level of function.

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