
John Sullivan, Bradenton FL

Sevre Neck & Back Pain Patient

"I'm much happier and more cognizant. My pain level is much more tolerable, and I recently stopped taking morphine for the first time in eleven years"

Valda Mikek, Bradenton FL

Stroke Patient

This office was beautiful. The help was wonderful, and the way they instructed me was great. They helped me stand properly and directed me on how to walk straight. After a few weeks, they had me out of the wheelchair, doing things I thought I might not get to do again. They gave me hope."

Leroy Butler, Bradenton FL

Rotator cuff repair

"I went there Bridge Rehab to heal and recover. Everyone there was really nice. Mr. McDonald had a lot of patience with me. He wanted me to get better so he didn't let me back out and he didn't let me quit. So, I'm recovering. I'm in less pain and that feels real good."

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